Cyber Threat Hunting

Almost all the very large to small organizations who have digital presence, do use preventive security controls to protect their digital assets & infrastructure. There is no end of solutions/services available which claim to protect the organization from Cyber Attacks.

The conventional approach to combat the modern cyber threat landscapes are turning irrational, it is just like asking a student who has been taught ‘1+1 =2’ to solve the Riemann Hypothesis. Attackers these days easily mask their activities behind the everyday user. Availability of sufficient funds aids a cybercriminal to penetrate through the defences of your organisation, browse the shortcomings, and wait for the perfect opportunity to strike, because they are never short on time! Application whitelisting and sandboxes are now impotent against file-less malware attacks.

Threat Hunting & Intelligence – From the eye’s of Deepweb/Darket Analyst

The IoC (indicators of compromise) they detect and capitalise on are way beyond the reach of your firewall, SIEM, IPS, anti-virus or any other automated security technologies. Right now, while you are going through this document, it is very much possible that you or your organisation has already been breached and you are completely unaware. Simple explanation, it takes almost 164- 200 days for an organisation to realise the fact that the damage has already been done.

It’s high time you upgrade your Security Operations to the next level. It is time you prepare yourselves against the persistent furtive attacks that the current quintessential SIEM technologies fail to detect and are only discovered by the best and the most expensive analysts in the business

What do we offer

  • While offering our services, We have already factored following scenarios for the organization :
  • They have established laid down guidelines to protect their digital information
  • Common Firewalls, IDS/IPS, WAF, Anti Viruses, secured applications & databases are in place.
  • They go for typical VA/PT exercises at prescribed intervals.
  • Human resources are there to manage above them.
  1. With above assumptions,

  • Deepweb/Darknet data breach assessment.
  • Threat Intelligence for an organisation, irrespective of their business, size, location in IT & OT (Operational Technology) & IIoT (Industrial Internet of Things) environments.
  • External Cyber Threat Assessment.
  • Internal Cyber Threat Assessment – Yes, approx. 60% of security incidents happens due to internal employee.
  • Anti-Ransomware Solution – Ransomware Operations monitoring
  • Evidence of IoC (Indicator of Compromise), actionable items to mitigate & neutralise, before this becomes available to others.

How do we offer

  • We work with very basic steps following the standard guidelines of OSINT (Open Source Intelligence), IMINT (Imagery Intelligence) SOCMINT (Social Media Intelligence), Digital HUMINT (Human Intelligence).
  • This gets co-related with P.P.T (People, Process & Technology) & TTPs (Tactics, Techniques & Procedures) in our custom-built Engine. While we do understand Technology & Process are common for all, the differentiator we have is “People”.
  • We do believe “One Solution doesn’t fit” for all & every organizations have different setup & different business objective. Hence solution rendered would be custom one.

What is an Organization’s Current Defensible Position

The Red-Team Assessment will evaluate and test your organization’s defenses using real world attack scenarios to more accurately gauge & address your Cyber Risk. Our advanced Red Team service can help you understand the adversaries and tactics that cyber-criminal will use to penetrate your organization’s defenses.

What is Modular Red Team Assessment?

Modular Red Team is an industry leading, intelligence-based capability for hands-on security assessment to help identify and provide greater visibility into Cyber Operational threats. It

Contains proprietary information, intended for named recipients. Unauthorized copying prohibited Red Team Brochure – Fool Proof Methodology for Proactive Cyber Security will help ensure your business processes and systems meet their mission objectives when challenged by Advanced Persistent Threat (APTs) or any Digital Data disasters like ransomware etc.

The assessment will have a multi-disciplinary team that utilizes “all source” intelligence capabilities to support an exhaustive testing strategy. Once profiled, attack vectors are identified and strategies devised to implement sophisticated attacks including spear phishing, watering hole, malware and social engineering etc.

Typical Cyber Security concerns/questions addressed by this Assessment

  • Will my organization’s existing combination of security controls protect against a sophisticated Cyber Attack in practice?
  • Does the existing risk assessments, budgets, and IT initiatives appropriately reflect the Cyber Security risks facing my organization?
  • Can my Organization Cyber perimeter be breached due to security issues at Foreign Subsidiaries?
  • What information can office visitors, contractors and employees find on corporate network?

Red Team Primary Differentiators

The Red Team Assessment Framework offers the following :

  • Provides the ability to test the effectiveness of your digital forensic & Incident Response (IR) capabilities.
  • Measures the resilience of your organization’s defensive posture
  • Provides access to good quality Threat Intelligence on your organization that has been vetted by our professionals.
  • Provides visibility into your organization’s exposure to information harvesting by examining its digital foot print.
  • Provides knowledge & early warning signs to help your organization harden its business systems so that they better resist an active attack.
  • Provides a practical training opportunity for your Cyber Defense team
  • Simulates a more realistic Threat environment to better tune your Security Information Event Management (SIEM) and Intrusion Detection/Prevention System (IDS/IPS).


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Technical capability to handle a wide range of project from varied sectors
Expert resources for instant project kick off
Complete transparency of the entire work process throughout the engagement and beyond
Dedicated project managers for each project to ensure high quality work
Cost effective rates suitable for all budgets